Sunday, April 18, 2010

5 Days Till Take Off

I never thought the day would come when I would find myself Blogging. Who know? But thanks to the encouragement of dear friends and a little shift in attitude, here I go...

Terms and Conditions:
A: I don't plan to do this every day, just whenever I feel like it.
B: I will do my best to get Ryan on board.
C: I'm dyslexic and owe my life to spell check. That being said, you will surely find straggling errors throughout (as no one has yet invented a dyslexic-check). I hope you will find this an endearing quality.

For those of you who haven't gotten the full story behind our trip and think we're just slacking-off for 3 months here's the deal: We're thinking of it like a sandwich. The US is the bread- sprouted bread- full of questions about where we would like to live.

Dear Sebastopol,
We love you, we adore you. Please know it's not you it's us. We need to explore the world before we can truly commit. Please know we will always love you and cherish our time together. We trust that if it was meant to be we will return with a renewed commitment to building our life with you.
Yours sincerely, Liat & Ryan

Our plan is to leave on Fri the 23ed of April at 4:oo am. That's right, am. We hope to make it up to Breitenbush hot springs in the early afternoon, soak until our fingers and toes look like raisins and camp for the night. One of our informants adamantly explained that if we didn't go to Breitenbush we would be missing out on the experience of a lifetime and who could argue with that. We'll be heading up to Portland the next day and from there to Bellingham WA, and the surrounding area.
The meat of the sandwich is our time working and traveling abroad. We'll be in the UK, briefly in Amsterdam, Northern Italy and Israel. Then it's off the complete the sandwich with NY, New England, and lovely Wisconsin before returning to our dear Burnside Rd. While we're in the UK and Italy we'll be WWOOFing it- World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. We'll be staying with families and helping out with their projects in exchange for room, board, and the local experience generally cloaked from the average tourismo. So far we've connected with 7 farms who are anxiously awaiting our arrival.
The Farms we're looking at for the most part run small scale projects along side their food or herb production. Seeing small agriculturally based businesses is at the heart of the matter for us. We're curious about how to sculpt a life that combines all of our passions in a sustainable way and hope that meeting like minded folks will help us to focus our vision. Details to follow.
In between exploring the US and WWOOFing-it we'll be paying respects to our respective ancestral homelands visiting Scotland and Israel. The last time I was in Israel I was 16, and though I was in Scotland with my Grandmother for the 1997 Edinburgh Theater Festival, I can't say that I've ever made it to Douglas Castle. I guess you could call this the pilgrimage part of our journey- or the condiments, bringing it all together.
We are filled with gratitude to have this opportunity and thank you for joining us, albeit virtually, on this adventure. Having the support of our family and friends enables us to leap fearlessly (though for my part, not without a healthy dose of anxiety). We'll keep you posted.
Peace and Love, Liat


  1. Liat and Ryan: We're now following you...

  2. Oh snap! I am very excited to see this blog as I have been a long time follower of the original LG! We look forward to reading, sharing and learning from your nuggets of goodness on all matters pertaining to life on this spinning hunk of elements.

  3. Finally a blog I might actually follow for more then one post.

    Looking forward to seeing you when you reach Israel.

  4. Oh, hells yes! Glad to hear you are embarking on this trip and I wouldn't dream for a minute that any of it is slacking. It would be a little hypocritical after my 7 month stint of wwoofing in South America. I am still in Paris for the next little while so if you want to spend a little time in the city of lights with an amiable guide who speaks the language poorly but knows the streets as well as a lifelong Parisian then come visit. Bon Chance, Bon Courage, et Bon Voyage!!!

  5. Yay! Now I can be there with you two and not miss you too terribly much..which is a lie cause I will miss you both sooo much...but it'll be great when you get back cause you'll get to meet Baby Lily...Have a fantastic journey! I'm so impressed that you made it happen! xo

  6. Liat & Ryan, I feel such vicarious joy and excitement at the amazing trip that awaits you! I especially love your letter to Sebastopol and fully understand your need to journey out to find out what is true for you. I made a number of such trips and always hoped to find a town with a banner out saying, "Welcome home, Ellie." I never did see the banner but ten years later Sebastopol feels more like home than ever. I can't wait to hear your stories on the other side, but until then will eagerly follow your blog! lots of love... Ellie (and Reilly too)

  7. I can't wait to see you guys. It has been way too long Liat since you returned to Israel. It is great you will be posting this blog. Have a wonderful experience and see you soon...Uncle Joel

  8. Anyone dipped in the hot springs yet??
