Saturday, June 26, 2010

Casa Lanzarotti Part II

Our wwoof hosts at Casa Lanzarotti where amazing and not just because of their culinary skills. Geanluca and Iris met in Africa working for the Red Cross about twenty years ago. They've traveled the world together working to help people living in the ugliest circumstances.

Taking our time to talk during meals in traditional Italy style, we heard many amazing stories. Though they'd been in serious, oftentimes life-threatening situations, Geanluca's stories were full of humor and his delivery alone was as intriguing as the content. With expressions like: "Very Impressive!" and "indeed" peppered throughout, eyes bulging forward in exclamation and hands narrating, it was often after 10pm before the dishes were all put way.

Woofing at Casa Lanzarotti was wonderful but to be a guest there- Wow, that's the way to go. We got to see a bit behind the scene, all the work they put into caring for their guests. Their organizational experience of coordinating massive international relief efforts is put to use as they prepare nearly every meal, shuttle guests around from train station to town, and continue to run their farm, go to markets, go to the butcher etc, etc.... Iris is a power- house of energy, baking bread in the outdoor wood fire oven to sell at the market, canning strawberry jam, heading up the local beef cooperative, overseeing the butchers union, and serving meal after gourmet meal all with the precision of a Swiss watch. (Sorry for the cliché'- I just couldn't help it).

With all this hard work going on around us we were inspired to work a double shift and take two days off heading out for a brief holiday at the Cinque Terras.

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